85+ Dance Animations for VRChat avatars!
Dance the night away with no need for full-body tracking! Works for any humanoid avatar. Compatible with PCVR, Desktop, and Quest! Has not been checked for compatibility with Gogo Loco, but I intend to do that soon.
Trigger any one of 85+ dance animations from your expression menu. Contains no music or sounds, designed to be used at raves and VR dances.
If the whole package is too large for your Quest avatar, I have provided an alternate version with about half the animations. If someone using PC triggers an animation not contained in this reduced version, Quest users will see the VRChat default dance instead.
Toothless Samba meme dance borrowed from ChrisSnowFox, used with permission. Check out their page if you want that dance on your avatar with music and other cool features like synchronization with others!
All other dance animations were found for free on the internet. I curated the best ones, organized them into a working action layer, and formatted the menus.
TOS: You may use this on public and private avatars. Do not remove credit in menu from public avatars. It may be included on commercial avatars with credit.
Unity package